I've left this behind for a year, and finally, I watched "Confessions". With all those very good comments on Takako Matsu, the performance actually didn't surprise me at all. I guess it's because the role is so different from many of her previous work and she at least portray the character fair enough. The young actors and actress, especially Yukito Nishii. I somehow thought he's the main cast. Nakashima is getting even better, the deadly cool tone and the music video like CG visual scene were combined beautifully, and didn't feel like over-doing.
我拖了一年,終於看了《告白》。松隆子表現完全沒驚喜(拖了那麼久就是怕這個,結果真的中了。唉) 很多人說她演得好,只是因為那跟她演了那麼多年很不一樣的角色然後她只少能表現那感覺罷了。反而小孩們非常搶戲,西井幸人不得了,差點以為你是主角。中島哲也越來越厲害了,畫面流露的冷漠,和那些很MV的CG畫面融合得異常舒服不做作。