Sunday 30 January 2011

the evil comes to live

  This is not happening if you ask me one week before. Not that I don't want to bring Miss Freakie to live, it's she is giving me horror vision just to think about the process. Damn right, after pining myself uncountable and poke-my-eye-out tire hand sewing. Miss Freakie is alive!! To celebrate, I think I should give her the last name, which is....yes, quite uncreative, Evil. So Miss Freakie Evil is here, naked (Fashion emergency is on?) Despite the stressful concentration needed for this, I actually think this is so much fun! So, what's next? Damn right, I'm gonna bring Freakie to live, and in live scale! hooray....let's see how long will it take?

Tuesday 25 January 2011

The King's Speech

  This is 2 hours of non-stop smooth and sweet acting with elegant music. Great collection of some of the greatest British actors / actresses. Colin Firth performed the struggling of speaking perfectly in details and emotion. Helena Bonham Carter present the gentle wife, many people may remember her from many crazy characters from Burton's films but she actually started off her career with many literary films; she surely reminding people of her ability of carry a serious acting role. Geoffrey Rush is also incredibly well performed. Scenes of light elegant music along with beautiful shot; toning of colour is great. This is one great British production.

Monday 24 January 2011

Black Swan

  Natalie Portman pretty much hold the movie together all the way through. I'm not a big fan of ballet but this one does make it so beautiful to watch. The atmosphere can build up a little bit more. I like how Darren Aronofsky manage to make this thriller-psycho story with such beautiful visual; the camera moves are smooth and match with the dance moves. Totally in love with the black swan part, the make up is perfect so as Natalie's performance. It's short yet perfect. Not feeling the way it ends though, I kinda wish the evil side will completely take over the character of Nina.

Monday 17 January 2011

LCF Fashion Illustration Exhibition

On Friday 14th Jan, it's a small exhibition for final year students from LCF Fashion Illustration course. It showcase the work we've been doing for the final major project and how is our idea developing. Here are some of the showing pieces.

(by Jayde Ben Ali)

(by Hannah Joy Cooney)

(by Philip Dunn)

Freakie n Fluffie clothes changing game small size installation.

(by Janki Patel)

Butterfly Lover Installation
(by Ivy Jingwen Sun)

Friday 14 January 2011

Inception (The Shooting Script)

  If you are super movie fan, like me; or Christopher Nolan's fan, you should already have this I bet. No huh? Just click to Amazon or simply walk into any book store to get one of this! I'm totally in love with the latest work from Nolan so I got this as soon as I know about this. Finally finish it just tonight. This book is full of surprises, the interview which Nolan detailing explain his concept and process of developing the great piece. Original hand writing, sketch, art work, story board, computer art work of CG scene; what more can you expect?! Reading through this is like watching the movie in your head again. The other good thing about this I can actually slow down between the lines, think it through and it get me even closer to the concept of the film. I appreciate not just because it's a full load surprise but it is showing a passion about movie making and serious working. And I think people need to take a serious think about others creation or theirs.

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy 2011

  My first and probably the last countdown! I never thought I will be doing this but the experience is actually nice (despite the freezing cold and the drunk pack...) Managed to get a close view of London Eye, and the firework was like exploding right in front of you, huge and beautiful! If the world do end in 2012, I at least got an amazing experience of counting down new year? LOL