Tate Modern Day! Gabriel Orozco exhibition is ending very soon and it's the first day of the brand new exhibition of Joan Miró, no more time wasting, head to Tate Modern today. Orozco's works reflect life with a special point of view, personally prefer the photography series of the yellow scooter. What surprised me is the Miró show; it's a rather big collection and I love the colour of the works! You can feel the passion, the fun and the happiness within his work, not just through the colour, also the way he draw. The works are surreal but they express in a direct way like a child. Simple but strong. To be honest, they are very strong, I tried to draw one of his piece, just to realise it's not easy to draw like a child. It's one enjoyable experience, and I'm sure you are leaving the show with a smile on your face!
因為Gabriel Orozco的展覽快將結束,同時也是Joan Miró新展覽的開幕,事不宜遲的來到Tate Modern。Orozco的作品都用很有趣的角度去看生活上的點滴,個人比較喜歡小機車的街拍系列。但讓人驚喜的是Joan Miró的展,展品很多而且個人很喜歡他的用色。從他的創作中你能感覺到他的熱情,不單單是從顏色,連他的畫風都十分可愛。像小孩那種抽象,但很直接的表達方式。看似簡單但其實是很強烈的表現。這是一個看了之後心情很愉快的藝展。